Page 75 - 2022-0114-Cloutier Book
P. 75

Although	we,	I,	my	mom,	and	later	my	sister	Doris,	may	have	visited	my	grandparents	a
apartment	 in	 the	 evening	 or	 nighttime,	 my	 only	 recollections	 of	 visiting	 there,	 was	 in
with	my	mother.	This	is	probably	because	my	dad	was	most	always	at	work.	.	
	My	clear	recollection	of	my	grandfather	Albert,	at	the	time,	was	that	he	was	a	very	intr
introverted	individual.	For	the	longest	time,	during	my	childhood	,	he	wore	very	thick	gl
time	 went	 on,	 he	 became	 almost	 completely	 blind	 due	 to	 an	 early	 onset	 of	 cataracts
time,	 in	 retrospect,	 my	 grandmother,	 seemed	 very	 content	 and	 healthy	 in	 spite	 of	 the
was	 responsible	 for	 raising	 12	 children.	 I	 do	 recall	 though,	 when	 I	 visited,	 my	 gran
grandfather	 was	 a	 very	 quiet	 individual.	 During	 all	 of	 our	 visits,	 conversations	 betwee
and	 grandmother	 and	 grandfather	 were	 spoken	 entirely	 in	 French.	 This	 was	 also	 true
spent	 with	 my	 paternal	 grandparents.	 So,	 during	 my	 early	 childhood,	 I	 was	 completel
exclusively	exposed	to,	was	taught,	and	spoke	French.	
Of	the	many	times	that	my	mom	and	I	visited	my	grandparents,	during	a	few	visits,	I	
being	the	only	child	there.	I	needed	to	amuse	myself,	as	the	adult	discussions	didn'’t	i
as	 was	 often	 the	 case,	 children	 were	 not	 included	 in	 any	 discussion.	 As	 I	 recall,	 my	
apartment	had	many	windows	with	screens,	but	many	of	them	had	holes	in	them	so	
pretty	much	everywhere.	One	day,	while	looking	around	the	apartment,	I	found	an	elast
thought	would	make	an	excellent	weapon	against	the	invading	flies.	So,	during	many	o
alone,	I	hunted	and	killed	flies	for	sport.	I	never	won	any	awards	for	keeping	the	flies
really	helped	me	to	pass	the	time	when	the	adults	were	talking	about	stuff.	During	thos
faily	common	for	children	to	be	left	out	of	conversations.			

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