Page 32 - 2022-0114-Cloutier Book
P. 32

A32r	 thur	ArAt.	huDres	r(oAsiretry	 )Arthur	 A.
DDeessrroossiieeDrr		eainssd	r	toAhens	toiseitoornisn	 e	ottfe		A(Crltohuutri	erF)

Desrosier.	 Arthur	 (Arty)	 and	 Kathy
(Gerard)	 Desrosiers	 were	 married
October	 7	 1978.	 Arty	 retired	 as	 a
master	 Sargent	 in	 the	 USAF	 after	 23
years	 of	 service.	 Arty	 then	 continued
his	 military	 service	 with	 the	 Navy	 in
Virginia	 Beach	 as	 a	 federal	 Employee
for	the	next	20	years.	

Arty	 and	 Kathy	 have	 4	 children	 Tami,
Jennifer,	 Daniel	 and	 Kristen	 and	 7
grandchildren.	 Tyler,	 Ethan,	 Emily,
Aidan,	Madelyn,	Jacob	and	Dylan	

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