Page 30 - 2022-0114-Cloutier Book
P. 30

A30n	 toinette	 Cloutier	 married	 Arthur	 Desrosiers	 in

Antoinette	(Cloutier)November,	 1949.	 they	 were	 married	 for	 over	 54	 years.
DesrosiersArthur	 and	 Toni	 had	 4	 children,	 Claire	 (Jefferson)

Dennis,	 Arthur	 (“Arty”)	 Desrosiers,	 Lucille	 (Foote)
Frechette	and	Robert	Desrosiers.		
Lucille	explained	that	her	father	was	an	only	child	and
the	only	family	she	had	was	the	“Cloutier	family”.	
Toni	 was	 the	 last	 living	 sibling	 of	 the	 Cloutier	 family
born	 to	 Alfred	 and	 Georgiana	 Cloutier	 and	 died	 at	 the
age	of	82	on	December	25,	2012.	

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