Page 2 - 2022-0114-Cloutier Book
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C2l	outier	Book	Overview	
This	 document	 attempts	 to	 provide	 a	 Cloutier	 family	 history.	 Eventually	 this	 history	 will	 become	 part	 of	 an	 ov
Cloutier	 family	 history	 that	 will	 include	 the	 Cloutier,	 (Sirois,	 Cambray,	 Champoux,	 Grenke	 and	 Derosiers)	 fam
descendants.	 The	 final	 edition	 of	 the	 Pintal	 and	 Cloutier	 history	 will	 be	 comprised	 of	 genealogy	 information,	
shared	information,	and	in	many	cases,	written	biographies	and	narratives	volunteered	by	both	Pintal	and	Cloutier	
The	 information	 sources	 used	 to	 prepare	 and	 compile	 these	 family	 histories	 is	 quite	 broad	 and	 too	 numer
individually.	Where	possible,	information	and	data	sources	will	be	enumerated	in	an	appendix	section.
As	 a	 broad	 summary	 however,	 the	 sources	 of	 contained	 and	 summarized	 here,	 ranges	 from	 on-line	 Google	 sea
genealogy	sites.	Where	available	some	DNA	information	may	be	included.	Additionally,	we	will	include	written	co
willing	participants	of	the	Pintal	and	Cloutier	family	members.	

Document	Flow	
Where	possible,	we	have	attempted	to	present	the	Cloutier	family	information	in	a	methodical	historical	flow.	

To	Marguerite	Pintal,	Jacki	Kolodgy,	Brenda	Breton,	Linda	Breen,	Paula	Leo,	Michelle	Silva	and	Raymond	Cloutier	Jr.	M
thanks	for	your	encouragements	and	assistance	in	preparing	this	Book.	I	could	not	have	completed	it	thus	far	with
A	great	deal	of	the	Lowell	MA	Cloutier	information	collected	for	this	Cloutier	book	was	ascertained	from	the	Lowell

Accuracy	of	dates	
Throughout	our	research	we	have	seen	erroneous	dates	reported	for	births,	marriages	and	deaths.	We	have	attempt
those	where	possible.		
Note	on	Canadian	Origins
The	only	solid	record	of	a	Cloutier	family	formally	entering	into	the	United	States	is	an	actual	immigration	card	for	
Champoux.	The	card	indicates	that	Delina	entered	into	the	United	States	in	Vermont.	How	she	found	her	way	to	Lo
not	able	to	determined.	As	seen	from	the	following	sections,	we	have	a	pretty	clear	picture	of	who	our	past	ancesto
thePryoo	fl	iCvoepyd:	N	oht	eoprteim	iizned		fLoro	hwighe	qlula.	liWty	phrinatitn	gw	ore	d	igditaol	ndis’ttr	ihbuatiovne,	is	a	crystal-clear	picture	of	how	and	when	they	traveled	and	arrived
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